Generate OSM raster tiles for offline browsing🔗

Posted by Médéric Ribreux 🗓 In kb/ GIS/


This job has been achieved with Debian Jessie (aka testing for the moment). The goal is to build raster OSM rendered tiles to read them offline with a GIS tool like QGis or even Javascript OpenLayers.

No explanations here, just the code or commands for those who don't have time…

What should be done ?

Here are the steps to render OSM tiles:

Here we go !

Prepare PostGIS database

I am building this from scratch. So I consider that there is no postgresql installation…

// install postgresql and postgis
# aptitude install postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
// create a new database as postgres user, we name it geobase
# su postgres
$ createdb geobase
$ psql -d geobase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
$ psql -d geobase -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"

You will have to modify pg_hba.conf in order to allow trust connexion for the user postgres on Unix socket. This is completely INSECURE but I need to go fast ! I assume you are working in a non connected environnement:

local   all         postgres                                trust
host    all	    postgres	    trust
host    all	    postgres	     ::1/128		    trust

Install all of the required tools

// prepare a repository
$ mkdir -p osm_tiles/tools
$ cd osm_tiles
// get the carto css stylesheets and the Nik4 tool
$ git clone

$ cd openstreetmap-carto
$ wget
$ chmod 755
// get all of the basic layers
$ ./
// grab OSM data: this time it will be Ireland
$ wget

Import OSM data into PostGIS database

$ osm2pgsql -k -c -S -d geobase -U postgres ireland-and-northern-ireland-latest.osm.pbf

Compile CSS carto into Mapnik XML

We need to edit the project file as the default postgis access are changed on our installation.

$ sed -i '/"dbname": "gis"/c \\t"dbname": "geobase"' project.mml
$ sed -i '/"dbname": "geobase"/ i \\t"user": "postgres", \n\t"host": "localhost",' project.mml

Then we can generate our MapNik XML file:

$ carto project.mml > mapnik.xml

Determine your extent and zoom levels

Use OpenstreetMap Export utility and grab the overpass URL:,51.406,-5.938,54.304

For zoom levels, use OSM to determine the max zoom level by zooming at the maximum you want on your map:

The max zoom level is 18.

Use to render tiles

generate_tiles_multiprocesspy is a tool to build tiles from a mapnik xml file. It is written in Python and use mapnik to do the rendering. Before launching it, you have to modify the code to indicate the extent and the zoom level. You'll have to modify lines at the end of the script. Here is what I've done to it (very dirty things but quite fast modifications):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    home = os.environ['HOME']
	mapfile = os.environ['MAPNIK_MAP_FILE']
    except KeyError:
	   mapfile = '/home/medspx/osm_tiles/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml'
	tile_dir = os.environ['MAPNIK_TILE_DIR']
    except KeyError:
	tile_dir = '/home/medspx/osm_tiles/wtms/'

    if not tile_dir.endswith('/'):
	tile_dir = tile_dir + '/'

    # Change the following for different bounding boxes and zoom levels
    # Start with an overview
    # Ireland
    bbox = (-10.673, 51.406, -5.938, 54.304)
    render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, 0, 18, "World")

Then you'll have to modify your Mapnik xml style file. The problem comes from the Fonts required to generate the tiles. Mapnik made them mandatory. On general GNU/Linux distributions, DejaVu fonts are installed by default. So remove all of the Font declarations except this one.

After modifications, just launch the script:

$ ./

All of the files are located under the osm_tiles/wtms directory. The process can be very long: for the whole Ireland, my computer had to work for about more than 48 hours !

View the tiles in QGis without a Web server

You just have to create an XML file to emulate a TMS server with some files:

<Service name="TMS">
<Cache />

Send this into ireland.xml and open it as a raster under QGis !

Here is the result:

Image of rendered OSM tiles from Ireland
Image of rendered OSM tiles from Ireland

And what if I want...

... to show things at a higher level on the tiles ?

You have now rendered OSM tiles under QGis. But you'd like to change things. For example, you'd like to show campings at a higher zoom level on the tiles ! Just hack the Carto-CSS styles !

Go edit amenity-points.mss, find eveything with camp_site and change the zoom level in it:

[tourism = 'camp_site'][zoom >= 14]::tourism {
  point-file: url('symbols/camping.n.16.png');
  point-placement: interior;
[tourism = 'camp_site'][zoom >= 14]::tourism {
  text-name: "[name]";
  text-size: 10;
  text-fill: #0066ff;
  text-dy: 15;
  text-face-name: @book-fonts;
  text-halo-radius: 1;
  text-wrap-width: 70;

... to generate big old rasters as GeoTiff ?

Just use Nik4:

$ cd ~/osm_tiles
$ git clone
$ cd ~/osm_tiles/openstreetmap-carto
$ ../Nik4/ -b -10.673 51.406 -5.938 54.304 -z 13 mapnik.xml ireland.tiff --wld ireland.wld

.. Nik4 is unable to generate too big datas ?

Use my dirty hack (get time to study code): !

$ ../Nik4/ -b -10.673 51.406 -5.938 54.304 -z 14 mapnik.xml ireland.tiff --wld ireland.wld --tiles 4

Then use gdalbuildvrt and gdal_translate and gdaladdo

$ gdalbuildvrt -a_srs EPSG:3857 Ireland_13.vrt *.tiff
$ gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:3857 -co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co ZLEVEL=9 -co PREDICTOR=2 Ireland_13.vrt Ireland_13.tiff
$ gdaladdo -r average Ireland_13.tiff 2 4 8 16 32